Social Bowls ClubWho are those bowlers in blue on Sunday mornings you see at Burleigh Bowls Club having so much fun?
They are the Burleigh Camels!
The Camels are a social bowls club that puts the fun and camaraderie into the game first and winning second; it is easy to understand this from the laughs, music and all round good time taking place on the greens each week.

The success of the Camels is a historic testament to the hard work and dedication put in by the Camels Board and volunteers over the years and is currently under the stewardship of President David Murphy, Vice President Ron Perkins and Treasurer Darcy Hutchen. That success is a result of people who are willing to volunteer their own time and take on leadership roles. Those volunteers continue to put in the hours as innovators and organizers ensuring the fixtures for the Camels are ready for everyone to enjoy. As a member of the Camels all you need to do is show up, and a good time will be guaranteed. (You must also be a member of any bowls club, not just B.H.B.C.)
There are a few Camels that have been around from its inception in 1973 after returning from a bowls trip to Condong. Burleigh Heads Bowls Club and Camel member Wally Kitching is a great example. Wally’s long time membership; passion and record of achievements at the bowls club are enviable but that never stops him helping a new member feel at home.
New members are the lifeblood of the Camels and are welcomed and made to feel part of the team immediately. I was a new member of the Burleigh Bowls and was asked if I would like to join the Camels. I admit that I was apprehensive as I was new to bowls and also new to Australia from Canada for that matter, I joined up and have never looked back. I was welcomed into the fold and immediately felt part of the Camels team. I have made great friendships that will last a lifetime; I have been to new places I would never explore as the Camels travel to other clubs. In addition the other clubs that we play have the same perspectives as the Camels so playing another bowls club is part of the brotherhood. It is a great fraternity.
The level of play at the Camels is from Novice to Expert. Everyone is welcome and guidance and coaching is there if you request it, and everyone is eager to help and see your game get better. I am a relatively new bowler, and it is a joy to play with a State Champion, Club Champion or Pennant winner in a social game allowing you to play your own game without any pressure. I still marvel at the skills these expert players possess.
The Camels exemplify fun when they get together at home or away, although they take representing the club seriously. The consistent high level of organization and planning provides a calendar of opportunity and anticipation of the upcoming fixtures over the year
The Camels of Burleigh proudly represent the club and region.
It was once said, “We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” They must have been a Camel!!
I look forward to seeing you on the green.
Bruce (Bullwinkle)